Dear Community,
Bicomony will hold our first IEO with in January 2020.
The project is a blockchain powered gaming platform which connects the world's largest supply of distributed GPU processing power, which belongs to the 1.3 billion gaming PCs in the global gaming community, with the rapidly growing, worldwide demand for massive processing power, therefore allowing passive monetization of the gamer's GPU when not being used for gaming.
The gamer is rewarded in the native GMRX crypto token which can be used as a payment method directly on the Gaimin platform's marketplace allowing the gamer to enjoy an improved gaming experience.
We would like our community to take part in the decision making process for this IEO. Dates are selected by the management staff at Bicomony. The following are the options- Option 1: 12 Janauary 2020; Option 2: 15 January 2020 and Option 3: 19 January 2020. Please poll at this URL. The poll will be opened on 31 December 2019, 6pm and will end on 1 January 2020, 12pm (Singapore time).
To find out the polling results, follow our announcements.
Happy New Year!
Thanks for your support!
Biconomy Team